Striking whilst the iron is hot, today I headed straight for the worst bit of rust armed with power tools, attacking the two panels inboard of the off side inner rear wing. To try to retain as much integrity in the shell as possible I’m planning to remove and refit one panel at a time, but I’ve already found this tricky as some of the joins can only be accessed by first removing other panels. I started with the panel beneath the rear quarter-light which is welded to the top of the wheelarch and runs down into the sills.

I cut the left hand edge of the panel off with a cutting disc rather than drilling out the spots, since it’s attached to the bottom of the B-post, which is part of the new rear wing assembly and getting replaced itself anyway. At this point the panel is almost out, but since the bottom edge is welded in between the sill sections, I need to take off the outer sill earlier than I planned to and drill out all the spots holding that end of the sill together to release this panel. But that will wait for another day.